Thursday, April 29, 2010

Mencari Keadilan

Kes Aminulrashid : Cerita dari Khalid Samad

Pada hari Isnin 26 April, jam 4 petang, saya telah menerima panggilan dari Ustadz Nasaruddin, Pemangku Ketua Pemuda PAS kawasan Shah Alam.

Dia memberitahu saya bahawa seorang remaja yang berumur 15 tahun telah ditembak mati oleh Polis di Seksyen 11 Shah Alam awal pagi tadi. Penduduk sedang berkumpul di Surau Seksyen 11 untuk menunggu jenazahnya dan semua menyuarakan ketidak puasan hati atas tindakan Polis.

Remaja berkenaan anak salah seorang ahli Qariah yang dikenali.

Mendengar berita tersebut saya pun telah bergegas ke Surau berkenaan dan mendapati sudah ramai berkumpul di situ. Saya melihat ramai di antara mereka terdiri daripada remaja belasan tahun.

Sebahagian dari mereka menunggu di luar kawasan Surau sambil sebahagian yang lain berada di dalam kawasan Surau tersebut. Setiba sahaja saya, qamat Salat Asar telahpun didengari dan Salat hendak dimulakan.

Saya mengambil wudu’ dan seterusnya menyertai jemaah. Setelah selesai salat, saya mendapatkan penjelasan dari Ustadz Nasaruddin mengenai apa yang telah berlaku. Beberapa orang turut mendengar dan memberi penjelasan termasuk seorang penduduk yang telah menyaksikan sendiri peristiwa berkenaan kerana kereta yang dipandu arwah terbabas di hadapan rumah beliau.

Mengikut keterangan mereka, pada jam lebih kurang 1.30 pagi, beberapa das tembakan telah kedengaran di jalan 11/2. Apabila disiasat, didapati sebuah kenderaan sedang dikejar kenderaan polis. Akhirnya kenderaan yang dikejar terbabas dan melanggar tembuk rumah dan pemandunya, Aminulrasyid Amzah, mati terkena tembakan di kepalanya. Seorang penumpang telah keluar dan berjaya melarikan diri.

Saya kemudianya membuat panggilan telefon kepada Dato’ Khalid, Ketua Polis Negeri dan meminta penjelasan dari beliau. Dato’ Khalid menegaskan bahawa siasatan sedang dijalankan dan anggota polis yang terbabit telah dipindahkan ke kerja-kerja pejabat. Menurut beliau, siasatan dibuat oleh polis Negeri, bukan oleh polis Shah Alam, bagi menjamin ketelusan. Begitu juga tegas beliau, bahawa siasatan dibuat di bawah Kanun Keseksaan 302, iaitu tuduhan membunuh sebagai bukti seriusnya pihak polis ke atas kes ini.

Dalam keadaan asyik mendengar penjelasan tambahan dari mereka yang berada di Surau, tiba-tiba beberapa orang membawa seorang remaja ke hadapan saya sambil berkata kepada saya, “dia lah penumpang yang bersama arwah yang telah melepaskan diri”. Orang semakin ramai berkumpul dikeliling saya dan memandangkan keadaan semakin bercelaru, saya menasihati remaja tersebut untuk ke tempat lain dahulu dan ‘stay low profile’.

Saya mengambil nombor telefon bimbitnya dan berjanji akan memanggilnya kemudian untuk bertemu dalam suasana dan keadaan yang lebih tenteram untuk mendapatkan penjelasan berhubung peristiwa berkenaan daripada beliau. Saya berpesan supaya dia berhati-hati supaya tidak ditahan polis kerana dikhuatiri penjelasan beliau akan dipengaruhi pihak polis untuk sealiran dengan kenyataan yang telah dikeluarkan mereka.

Kenyataan yang dikeluarkan polis melalui TV dan radio, saya diberitahu, berbunyi “seorang yang disyaki penyamun ditembak polis awal pagi di Seksyen 11 Shah Alam….sebilah parang dijumpai di dalam kereta disyaki digunakan sebagai senjata untuk menyamun….suspek kedua berjaya melepaskan diri..”

Selepas Maghrib saya berhubung dengan remaja berkenaan dan kami bertemu bersama beberapa orang sahabat sebagai saksi. Remaja tersebut memberitahu bagaimana arwah telah mengambil kereta kakaknya pada lewat malam sambil semua sedang tidur dan menjemput beliau. Mereka telah ke sebuah kedai di Seksyen 11 dan seterusnya ke Seksyen 7 setelah mendapat panggilan dari seorang rakan lain yang mengalami kerosakan motorsikal di situ.

Dalam perjalanan ke tempat kerosakan tersebut, berhampiran restoran Ali’s corner, mereka tergesel dengan sebuah kereta mewah yang sedang parkir di situ. Kemalangan ini menyebabkan arwah ketakutan dan beliau terus membawa kereta untuk melarikan diri. Pada masa yang sama mereka dapati ada motorsikal yang mengejar mereka. Apabila sampai di Seksyen 12, di jalan dari bulatan Istana Kayangan menuju SIRIM, motorsikal berkenaan terlanggar kereta yang dipandu arwah di bahagian belakang dan terus terbabas.

Arwah terus membawa keretanya dengan laju dan pada ketika itu mereka telah memintas sebuah kereta peronda polis. Kereta peronda tersebut terus membunyikan sirennya dan mengejar mereka, melalui SIRIM terus ke bulatan dan menuju ke Masjid Negeri, sampai ke Seksyen 9 dan kembali ke bulatan Istana Kayangan.

Dari bulatan Istana Kayangan mereka berpatah semula ke Seksyen 11 memasuki simpang berhampiran Caltex, Esso dan terus memasuki jalan 11/2. Tiba-tiba kedengaran tembakan beberapa das. Kereta terhoyang hayang disyaki tayar telah terkena tembakan. Arwah terus memandu dalam keadaan tayar ditembak sehingga tiba-tiba beliau rebah ke atas ribanya. Kereta terus menyimpang ke kiri dan terbatas melanggar tembok sebuah rumah.

Apabila di pegang kepala arwah, didapati berlumuran darah. Terasa kepala berlubang dan darah membasahi tangan dan bajunya. Remaja ini terus keluar dari kereta, terpaksa keluar dari pintu sebelah arwah, kerana pintu sebelah dirinya telah terhimpit. Terpaksa mengalih mayat arwah supaya dapat melepasi diri dengan tujuan menyerah diri. Tak sempat apa-apa, sebaik sahaja keluar beliau diterajang seorang anggota polis dan beliau terus melarikan diri.

Sambil mendengar penjelasan beliau, tiba-tiba abangnya muncul entah dari mana. Memarahi beliau kerana tidak pulang ke rumah. Apa dah jadi ini, kata abangnya, bagaimana adik saya digelar penjenayah. Kami menenangkan abangnya sambil memberitahu niat kami adalah untuk menolong adiknya. Dia terus meminta adiknya pulang ke rumah, ayah menunggu katanya. Kami ikut sekali. Setibanya di rumah mereka, ayah dan ibunya kebinggungan. Kami menenangkan mereka dan memberitahu mereka anak mereka bukan penyamun.

Seterusnya saya membawanya bersama abangnya untuk membuat laporan polis. Jam sudah hampir pukul 10 malam. Saya ingin menentukan bahawa laporannya sama seperti ceritanya kepada saya sebelum ini. Tiada paksaan untuk mengubah ceritanya. Selepas laporan disiapkan saya bersamanya dan abangnya bertemu pegawai yang bertugas.

Saya bertanya apakah SOP untuk pihak polis menggunakan senjata api menembak orang yang disyaki. Dia menjawab, hanya sekiranya nyawanya atau nyawa orang lain terancam.

Remaja saksi utama dibenarkan pulang ke rumah. Saya telah berhubung dengan YB Gobind Deo terlebih awal dan meminta dia mengambil kes ini. Dia berjanji akan berjumpa remaja berkenaan pada esok harinya, iaitu Selasa jam 10.30 pagi di mahkamah Shah Alam.

Selepas itu saya ke rumah arwah untuk bertemu keluarganya. Ibunya kesedihan. Abangnya kebinggungan. Bagaimana ini semua boleh berlaku. Mendengar percakapan ibunya berhubung arwah yang merupakan anak bongsunya, saya merasa sebak. Saya tak boleh bayangkan kesedihannya. Semakin ramai datang berkumpul. Saya berundur pada jam 12 tengah malam.

Esok pagi jam 9.30 pagi saya mengadakan sidang akhbar di pejabat saya. Dalam sidang akhbar tersebut saya menyatakan 3 perkara seperti berikut :-

1. Arwah bukan penyamun dan penjenayah. Warga Seksyen 11 mengenali beliau dan tidak akan menerima alasan sedemikian rupa dari mana pihak sekalipun.

2. Arwah tidak cuba melanggar anggota polis seperti yang didakwa. Arwah telah ditembak semasa memandu melarikan diri dan bukan semasa mengundur kereta untuk melanggar anggota polis. Itu satu pembohongan sepertimana juga kisah kononnya ada sebilah parang di dalam kereta.

3. Saksi yang merupakan rakan sepanjang peristiwa malang tersebut perlu diberi perlindungan dan tidak ada usaha dilakukan supaya ceritanya diubah untuk bersesuaian dengan kisah yang dilaporkan pihak polis. Saya meminta Polis bertindak secara profesional dalam kes ini dan jangan berusaha untuk melindungi anggotanya.

Shah Alam menjadi medan berlakunya pembunuhan Teoh Beng Hock sebelum ini. Malaysia juga menyaksikan sebelum ini kes Kugan yang telah mati di dalam tahanan. Norizan Salleh yang ditembak secara rambang sebanyak 5 kali tetapi masih hidup untuk menceritakan pengalaman ngerinya.

Harap jangan dilupa juga kisah Altantuya bersama bom C4. Ini semua kes-kes yang tergantung yang menjadi tanda tanya masyarakat. Entah banyak mana lagi kes yang tergantung sebegini yang tidak diketahui umum.

Apa yang pasti, kita tidak boleh membenarkan kes Aminulrasyid berkesudahan sebegitu rupa. Kita doakan semoga roh Allahyarham ditempatkan bersama orang-orang yang soleh yang beroleh rahmat.

Wallahu 'Alam


This article been copied verbatim from the abovementioned blog including lines in red.

Below is report by NST

Boy, 15, shot dead after car chase


By Mazlinda Mahmood

SHAH ALAM: A 15-year-old boy was shot dead while reversing his car in an attempt to run over several policemen. The incident happened about 2am yesterday in Jalan 11/2G, Section 11 here.

Four policemen from the district police station, who were involved in the shooting, have been transferred to desk duties with immediate effect pending investigations.

Selangor police chief Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar said the policemen were on patrol in two cars when they spotted two men behaving suspiciously inside a car at Section 14 here.

They signalled for the driver to pull over for inspection.

However, the driver sped off, forcing the policemen to give chase in their vehicles.

After beating several red lights, the patrol cars managed to corner the suspects' car.

"A male passenger jumped out and escaped on foot while the driver reversed his car and tried to run over the policemen, forcing them to open fire," Khalid said yesterday.

He said one of the policemen fired four shots at the tyres of the car but one of the bullets is believed to have hit the boy, killing him instantly. Police found a parang inside the car which is believed to have been used in robberies.

"I deeply regret and am saddened with what had happened.

"I have appointed an officer from the Selangor police headquarters contingent to conduct a thorough investigation. We will also investigate why the suspects tried to escape when stopped by the police."

He said all four policemen would be investigated although only one of them fired the shots.

The boy's body was sent to the Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Hospital for post-mortem.

Police are looking for the other suspect who escaped.

Meanwhile, the dead boy's sister does not believe that her brother would purposely attempt to run over the policemen and said he was not a criminal.

"He is only 15. How can he be a criminal? I think he was trying to escape because he panicked when the policemen told him to pull over, not because he had committed any crime."

She also disputed the finding of a parang in the boy's car, adding that the incident took place only 100m from their family home in Jalan Makyong.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

United 3-1 Tottenham

Scares From King

United chalked another victory  in the league after beating Tottenham 3-1 at Old Trafford last Saturday. Giggs converted two penalties while Nani scored one between Giggs' goals. Without Rooney United left with Berbatov as the recognised striker. United fielded five in the midfield where Nani and Valencia as the wingers. Giggs was in favoured of Micheal Carrick to give support to Berbatov. United started brightly and first to settle down. Played in high tempo United pressed on from the start. With three midfielders United won the battle of the midfield. Scholes particularly made many tackles and won almost of it. Tottenham hard man Palacious kept losing the ball while Huddlestone had hard time protecting his back four. Tottenham influential playmaker Luka Modric was forced to play wide to balance up the team as Bentley played at the right wing.

United enjoyed the possession but could not find the goal. The first goal arrived in 58th minutes after Evra was fouled in 18 yards box resulted from Berbatov nice back heel. Giggs step in and scored from the spot. United relieved and gained confidence. However against the run of play Ledley King scored. King's goal scored after Evra and Valencia being substituted. Also enter the fray was speed merchant Aaron Lennon. The tide seemed to switch. In 70th minutes Tottenham won a corner. Gareth Bale, another United target, took the corner. His ball met by King who easily brushed aside Michael Carrick and headed the ball home. Rafael who guarding the left post should clear the ball easily instead he moved his body away and try to clear acrobatically. 1-1

United was shocked so people in the Old Trafford and fans all over the world. United chance to be champion again seemed to snuff away by Spurs. Ferguson made bold tactical moved. In young Italian Federico Macheda for the right back Rafael. A minute after his introduction Macheda fed Nani for the second goal. Nice lay off but still a lot to do by Nani. The angle was tight but Nani who had rollercoaster form this season, made an audacious chip to beat Heurelho Gomes to score United’s second. Great goal again from Nani. It broke Spurs heart as the game had 10 minutes left.

The goal also settled United nerves. Confidence was restored. Then five minutes later United was awarded with another penalty when Nani was brought down by Palacios. Again Giggs step in and scored. Giggs as far as I remember not natural penalty taker. But that day he scored two.

Two games left. United now had much easier opponents in Sunderland and West Ham. But West Ham is not a pushover. They had inflicted wound to United. Now United fans are hoping their great rival Liverpool could do a favour by beating Chelski this week. If this happen United could win the 19th title and fourth in the row.

CEO of Mayban Trustees

Mayban Trustees Names Badirul Ismail As CEO

KUALA LUMPUR, April 21 (Bernama) -- Mayban Trustees Berhad on Wednesday announced the appointment of Badirul Ismail as its chief executive officer.

Badirul, 36, joined Maybank Group in 2003 as manager of the Mayban Investment Management Sdn Bhd and was later promoted to Business Development Head.

He has more than 10 years experience in financial services and asset and wealth management.

His experience in asset and wealth management includes holding management positions in a unit trust subsidiary of a financial services institution and in established asset management companies.

In 2007, he was appointed Maybank's Head of Private Wealth Management.

Badirul holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from Universiti Utara Malaysia and in 2001, he obtained his Capital Markets Services Representative's licence from the Securities Commission.

As CEO, Badirul will be responsible to drive Mayban Trustees' business and grow its market share in a highly competitive environment, leveraging on business synergies across Maybank Group.


Hmmm I know this guy. He was in the same batch with me while studying at UUM. Not close friend but we know each other. Congratulation Badirul. As for me still searching.

Most Valuble Soccer Team

Manchester United tops Forbes magazine’s list of the most valuable soccer clubs for the sixth straight year with an estimated market value of $1.8 billion.

The 18-time English champion, controlled by the Florida- based Glazer family, is followed by record nine-time European Cup winner Real Madrid, with a value $1.3 billion. London-based Arsenal, the subject of takeover speculation, completes the top three with a $1.2 billion valuation.

Forbes determined the value using previous sales, broadcast agreements and debt from stadium construction. Real was ranked as soccer’s richest team by revenue in a review published by accountant Deloitte last month. United was third, behind European champion Barcelona.

The top five clubs claimed 86 percent of the $5.5 billion revenue of European soccer’s top 20 clubs for the 2008-09 season “because their worldwide following allows them to grab much more sponsorship and media revenue,” Forbes said yesterday in a statement.

The magazine valued Barcelona at $1 billion, ranking it fourth, ahead of Germany’s Bayern Munich, which it said was worth $990 million.

From Forbes

Look closer and it becomes clear that the wealthiest clubs have a big advantage over their competitors because they are global brands, which allows them to generate more revenue outside their home market from sponsorships, merchandise and broadcasting.

The prime example is Manchester United, the most valuable club in the world, worth $1.84 billion. Man U's Club TV Channel is shown in over 192 million homes. The club claims 333 million followers and 139 million core fans. Beginning next season Man U will have a new shirt sponsorship with Aon ( AON - news - people ) that will bring in $34 million a year over four years, 50% more than its current deal with AIG ( AIG - news - people ). The Nike ( NKE - news - people ) swoosh will continue to adorn the shirt as well thanks to a 13-year pact with the apparel maker that pays the team $470 million plus a 50% share of profits on specific merchandise through 2015. Man U posted operating income of $150 million last year, the most of any team, while their media revenue of $164 million was tops in the English Premiership. Despite the club's huge success on the pitch since Malcolm Glazer bought them in 2005, the locals are unhappy with the $839 million of debt Glazer has saddled the club with and are hoping to raise enough money to buy him out.


1. Manchester United 1,835
2. Real Madrid 1,323
3. Arsenal 1,181
4. Barcelona 1,000
5. Bayern Munich 990
6. Liverpool 822
7. AC Milan 800
8. Juventus 656
9. Chelsea 646
10. Inter Milan 413

Ronney Wins The PFA Awards

Rooney Continued United Dominance

For the fourth year in thre row United players had won the Professional Footballers' Association awards. Ronadlo made it twice for 2006/07 and 2007/08 seasons. Then followed by Ryan Giggs in 2008/09. And this season the award belong to Wayne Rooney. Rooney who now nursing his injury would be fit for the world cup, revealed that his vote went to Didier Drogba. Well most Chelski fans would agree that Drogba should be the winner.

As of April 15th:

Rooney: 2472 minutes played, 26 goals and 5 assists
Drogba: 2411 minutes played, 25 goals and 11 assists
Look at it  Drogba might be the much deserved winner. More over he was at Africa Cup of Nations for almost one month. Maybe he could score more goals from Rooney if he was at Chelski. James Milner who won the PFA Young Player of the Year Award was little bit shocked for me. Although he had showed a string of strong performances to help Villa this season, I believed Cesc Febragas is much deserved winner. What can I say about Febregas performance this season. He is world class player. Maybe they wanted British to win.

PFA Player of the Year Award Winners: 1995/96 - 2008/09

 1995/96: Les Ferdinand (Newcastle United)
1996/97: Alan Shearer (Newcastle United)
1997/98: Dennis Bergkamp (Arsenal)
1998/99: David Ginola (Tottenham Hotspur)
99/2000: Roy Keane (Manchester United)
2000/01: Teddy Sheringham (Manchester United)
2001/02: Ruud van Nistelrooy (Manchester United)
2002/03: Thierry Henry (Arsenal)
2003/04: Thierry Henry (Arsenal)
2004/05: John Terry (Chelsea)
2005/06: Steven Gerrard (Liverpool)
2006/07: Cristiano Ronaldo (Manchester United)
2007/08: Cristiano Ronaldo (Manchester United)
2008/09: Ryan Giggs (Manchester United)

PFA Young Player of the Year Award Winners History - 1996 - 2009
1995/96: Robbie Fowler (Liverpool)
1996/97: David Beckham (Manchester United)
1997/98: Michael Owen (Liverpool)
1998/99: Nicolas Anelka (Arsenal)
99/2000: Harry Kewell (Leeds United)
2000/01: Steven Gerrard (Liverpool)
2001/02: Craig Bellamy (Newcastle United)
2002/03: Jermaine Jenas (Newcastle United)
2003/04: Scott Parker (Chelsea)
2004/05: Wayne Rooney (Manchester United)
2005/06: Wayne Rooney (Manchester United)
2006/07: Cristiano Ronaldo (Manchester United)
2007/08: Cesc Fàbregas (Arsenal)
2008/09: Ashley Young (Aston Villa)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

English League

Previously English football was very boring. Very predictable and physical. Offense usually came from the both flanks; from the winger and fullback. Then the lanky, big and powerful centre forwards will usual head the ball home. Or sometimes just ready to pounce the ball especially from the melee in front of the goal mouth. Of course long ball was the main tactic. Either to chase by wingers or the centre forwards. But still most of the people love English. Or maybe last time we were exposed too much with English football. Another league that known to people especially in Malaysia that time was Serie A of Italy. However many people found that Italian football was very boring. Till now I believed so. English game was played in very high pace and tempo. Then add on with physical, and people love it.

Last time another boring thing about English league was its regulation. Only three substitutes were allowed. As one usually a goal keeper, thus gave managers headache to choose the remaining two. Meanwhile jersey numbers also been fixed. Players don't have the liberty to choose the favourite number. So in one game the jersey numbers were from number one till 14. The jersey numbers usually tell the position of the players. Below is for typical 4-4-2 formation.

Number and Position
1 - Goal Keeper
2 - Right back
3 -  Left back
4 - Centre back
5 - Centre Midfielder
6 - Centre back
7 - Right Wing
8 - Centre Midfielder
9 - Centre Forward
10 - Centre Forward
11 - Left Wing

Monday, April 19, 2010

Man City 0-1 Man United

Scholes' Last-Gasp Goal

United old guard Paul Scholes scored last minute winning goal to give United a hattrick against City. It was deep in stoppage time when a perfect cross from Evra met Sholes who had no one near him to head the ball passed Shay Given. It was very crucial goal as the game was destined for 0-0 scoreline. Another draw almost officially handed the trophy to Chelski who will face Tottenham. And suprisely Chelski lost the game with 2-1 and had Terry been sent off. With three more games to go there might be still a sting at the tail for Chelski.

While Arsenal now official said goodbye to the trophy. They were beaten 2-3 by Wigan although taking two goals lead.

United now had to face Redknapps' boys who are on fire after beating two main local London teams back to back. Firstly they beat Arsenal then followed by last week against the league leader Chelski. Both they won with the same score line 2-1. The Russian striker Puvelychenko is at his best now. Same with his strike partner Jermaine Defoe. United must have good game plan to stop Spurs. The advantages are United are playing at home and Rooney might fully fit for this game.

Friday, April 16, 2010

World Cup Official Ball





Thursday, April 15, 2010

English League Soccer

I really love EPL or old days called English Football. As far as I remember RTM sometimes aired live telecast from England. If not I will glue in front of the television to watch the highlights and news. I still remember the program called English League Soccer if I not mistaken. It would start like this, a visual of man at his desk saying “Hi, I’m Martin Tyler, welcome to English League Soccer.” Then came out very simple graphic of a ball then followed two legs making impression like fighting for the ball. From there I learned a lot of English Football.

During my kid times Liverpool ruled the league and also Europe. Every time we played or talked about football, Liverpool and its player like Dalglish, Grobbelaar or Rush definitely dominating the scenarios. It gradually made me dislike Liverpool. Anywhere people talked about Liverpool. We had footballer cards during that time for collections, maybe almost the same with baseball cards in US, Liverpool cards were the hottest.

So one night, I believe early morning during fasting month, I suddenly woke up. I heard television was on. While lights in the kitchen also on. I walked to the living rooms and I saw my late father was watching live telecast football match. I just stood behind him unnoticed for few minutes. Then without any intention I asked him “ sapa lawan abah?” My father quickly turned his head. I was so afraid because my late father was very fierce and stern. But to my relief he said Manchester United. I can’t remember against which team. But I believed it was Brighton. Then slowly with bolster at my chest I sit on the floor beside my father who was sitting on a chair. I’m not his favorite son but to be next to him watching football at wee hours was the moment I cherished.

From there on I declared myself as United’s fan. Just to be different from others. I started collecting United cards. Got to know the players like Viv Anderson, Norman Whiteside, Gary Bailey and my favorite Bryan ‘Robbo’ Robson. Then finally love this team.


Born on 13 April

Among Famous People Born On 13 April

1570 - Guy Fawkes - Criminal (try to blow up British Parliement)
1743 - Thomas Jefferson - 3rd US President
1866 -  Butch Cassidy - Train and Bank Robber
1937 - Tengku Razaleigh Bin Tengku Mohd Hamzah - Politician
1951 - Peabo Bryson - Singer
1963 – Garry Kasparov - Russian chess player

1964 – Davis Love III - Professional Golfer
1978 – Carles Puyol - Catalan footballer
1975 - Ruhil Amani Hussien - Singer
1980 - Haryati Hamzah (Yatt) - Actress
1988 - Oliveira Anderson - Footballer (Manchester United)

It is a long list actually but the most important thing is it include ME.

Tottenham Hotspur 2 - 1 Arsenal

Arsenal Hopes End

Chelski got another good news. Trailing with six points Arsenal title hopes is considered over. Chelski had massive goal difference and if The Blues lost two games this would be the final decider. The trophy is destined to Stamford Bridge for now. But there might still some surprise left. Tottenham finally beat Arsenal after 11 years of trying. Ancelotti boys still had to face Tottenham and Liverpool. So the trophy is still there to grab. It would be nice if United steel it in front of Chelski's nose.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


What is a headache?

Headache is defined as pain in the head or upper neck. It is one of the most common locations of pain in the body and has many causes.

Major categories of headaches

1. Primary headaches
- Tension headaches are the most common type of primary headache; as many as 90% of adults have had or will have tension headaches. Tension headaches are more common among women than men.
- Migraine headaches are the second most common type of primary headache. An estimated 28 million people in the United States (about 12% of the population) will experience migraine headaches. Migraine headaches affect children as well as adults. Before puberty, boys and girls are affected equally by migraine headaches, but after puberty, more women than men are affected. An estimated 6% of men and up to 18% of women will experience a migraine headache.
- Cluster headaches are a rare type of primary headache, affecting 0.1% of the population. An estimated 85% of cluster headache sufferers are men. The average age of cluster headache sufferers is 28-30 years of age, although headaches may begin in childhood.

2. Secondary headaches
- Secondary headaches are those that are due to an underlying structural problem in the head or neck. There are numerous causes of this type of headache ranging from bleeding in the brain, tumor, or meningitis and encephalitis.

3. Cranial neuralgias, facial pain, and other headaches
- Neuralgia means nerve pain (neur= nerve + algia=pain). Cranial neuralgia describes a group of headaches that occur because the nerves in the head and upper neck become inflamed and are the source of the head pain. Facial pain and a variety of other causes for headache are included in this category.

I had terrible headache today and for the past few days. It must be the primary headache. Which one I'm not sure beacuse now I had headache.

Blackburn 0-0 United

The Title Fading Away

Another afternoon full of frustration  for the Devils. The title is sliping away. Now only hopes that left. Dont think Chelski will lost two from four remaining macthes althought they still had to face Tottenham and Liverpool. Though game await Devils at Manchester. That should be the main focus now.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

United 3-2 Munchen

Hard for me to blog about this game. Very sad indeed. Three goals lead then wasted away. Not United season hope they come strongly next season. With  Benzema alongside Rooney.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Rooney Vs Rooney

All In The Name of Politics

This morning as usual l tuned on to my favourite radio station, Sinar FM. I really love the morning program called Sinar Pagi which been handled by three Sinar deejay (AMP deejay wanted to know as Penyampai). I’m sure many especially Sinar listeners love and been entertained by Salleh Yaakob who used SY or Abang Jem as pseudonym, Raja Azura (Kak Engku or KE) and Khairil Rashid (Kril). When the three are together they create havoc in the radio while listeners usually burst out laughing.

Usually every morning that was a topic for the listeners to share with others. I actually did not want to write about Sinar or the trio. There was a caller that shared his grievance that really caught my attention. I can’t remember what was the topic this morning .

The caller said he is from Kuala Ketil that recently been hit by a freak storm The strong winds damaging roofs and belongings in about 300 homes apart from uprooting trees and tilting a few utility poles in the area.

Suddenly the caller had change in his voice. He continued talking and said that he was left fuming with people who had offered help but then ended as empty promises. People in Kuala Ketil had suffered when their house and belonging were damaged by the storm. Then came people along side TV crews with  promises that help is on the way. But after two days they were still waiting for the help. The caller really upset and told that some people should not take advantage in what happen.

I always refrained myself from blogging about politics. I just hate people who used politic platform to gain personal mileage and worst to gain excessive wealth. Using media and suffering people are really sucks. Why must bring along the media to show  that we care. Do we have to tell everybody of our charity work? It is really disgusting.

Ok that should be enough.

Barca 4-1 Arsenal

Magical World of Messi

Arsenal was comprehensively beaten by Barca with aggregate score line of 6-3. Lionel Messi again showed the world why he is the best in the world right now. Already lost words to describe about this talented and gifted player. He is in his own class. His skill distance by far. Even Rooney is nowhere near.

Four goals to score in UCL against among the best team in Europe are amazing. Though Arsenal without many key players that should not be the excuse. He just run towards the opposition players and in the same time made his opponents in anxious state. Very lethal with both feet. When he stopped running the defenders also stop and just watch him. While running he could easily changed the pace or suddenly made a reverse move. He could score from almost any eagle using his intelligent to chip, angling a shot or produce a powerful screamer that left the keeper flat footed or gasping for air. It is very hard to anticipate what he going to do when the ball at his feet. His talent truly exceptional.

He is the best football in the world and a king at his generation. To formally bestow this honor to him, all he should do is to produce the same performance for his country especially in this coming world cup.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Speedy Recovery by Rooney

Rooney set for shock Bayern return: reports
By Soccernet staff
April 5, 2010

Wayne Rooney has been rated a "40%" chance of making a shock return from injury in Manchester United's Champions League clash with Bayern Munich on Wednesday, according to reports.

Rooney had been predicted to miss up to three weeks after spraining his ankle in the first leg of United's quarter-final tie last week, but his recovery has been so rapid that he should be back for the Premier League trip to Blackburn on Sunday at the latest, the Mirror's website said.

That would go against the bookies' predictions, which had a return in the Manchester derby ten days after the Bayern match on April 17 as the most likely outcome.

England star man Rooney is known for both his ability to bounce back from injuries quicker than expected and his relentless desire to play every match, so given United's defeat at Old Trafford to title rivals Chelsea in his absence, the striker would be desperate to get back in action for his club.

According to the report, Rooney has been doing bicycle work under the supervision of club medical staff since Thursday. Rooney scored as United lost 2-1 away to Bayern in Germany before rolling his ankle late in the match and leaving the stadium on crutches with a protective boot around his right foot, meaning United need a 1-0 win or better to advance to the semi-finals.

Still doubt he could make it for UCL match against Bayern Munchen. Agreed at the earliest game would be against Manchester City. He been so sensational this season. After been shadowed by Ronaldo and been asked to play more as wide player, he had showed why he is so important to United. A legend already he is. He will be always be United. Once a red always a red.

Even Torres Wants Arsenal as Champion

Torres backing Arsenal to take title

By Soccernet staff
April 5, 2010

Fernando Torres is hoping Arsenal can make up the three-point gap

Liverpool had been expected to be among the challengers this year but, following Sunday's 1-1 draw with Birmingham, they now look likely to miss out on a place in the top four.

There is also the threat that Manchester United could clinch a record 19th league title this season - moving clear of Liverpool's 18 - but Torres feels Arsene Wenger can end his five-year wait for silverware this season.

"I want Arsenal to be the champions," he told Canal+. "They have the best fixtures of the three. Wenger deserves to win the title and to be imitated for his work he has done in his time there."

Chelsea are currently a point clear and face games against top-half opposition in the shape of Tottenham, Stoke and Liverpool while United have to take on Manchester City, Tottenham and Stoke.

Arsenal's only remaining games against top-half sides come against Tottenham and City, but Chelsea have three home games remaining while United and Arsenal have just two.

El Nino did not fancy Chelski to be the league champion. He chose Arsenal instead. May be he also dislike Chelski. He knew Arsenal played better football than Chelski. Much better than Liverpool. And Arsenal is much deserved along side United.

Monday, April 5, 2010

So Blues Today

Feeling so blues today. Is it because Monday or it just me? Well I at new office from now on. The same company but at the different location and building. Do I like it here? Hmm still early to make confession. But from the first day I dont really like it. For a few months I was bored to death as I dont know exactly what are my job description. I just came to the office then went back. Basically that was what I did. When they invited me to join another department that close revelent to my experience, I had no problem to accept. Atleast I got something to do when I come to the office.Still I'm looking for something that sometimes I felt not going to happen. That what I think. Sometimes. But I still hoping and praying. I know God will give it to me. Be patient and had no grudge. It will come. Yes redha but first I had to work for it.


United 1-2 Chelski

Under Par Display in First Half

United dreams for the 19th championship and fourth in the row were halted after the defeat by Chelski at The Theater of Dreams. The defeat might be the killer blow for United's dream records. Although there is still hope, United had to depend on other team in order to make sure they could lift the trophy again. This is so no United. They used to do all by themselves. To depend on others could consider as asking for lady luck for help. Although it would make the title race more interesting, this surely not the character of true champion. The devils know that. The best bet would come from Chelski matches against Tottenham and Liverpool. And for united there was no room for error.

It was very under par display in the first half. Very cautious approached adapted by United and seemed very happy to watch Chelski had the possession. No adventures move by the champion. United passes were awful. Incomplete sometimes strayed. That was the hallmark of United  game in the first half. They came stronger in second half although trailing with Joe Cole’s goal. And all hope seem to fade when Drogba score the second controversial goal. But Macheda gave United lifeline when he scored. But it was too little too late. United left the field dejected.

The departure of Ronaldo and Tevez had finally showed the effect. With United depend too heavily on Rooney his absence made United attack powerless.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Jose Mourinho Resigns and Take Over Real Madrid

Jose Mourinho Resigns As Coach Of Inter To Take Over At Real Madrid

‘The Special One’ has sensationally quit the Nerazzurri for the Blancos…
Portuguese coach Jose Mourinho has sent shockwaves through the world of football by resigning as coach of Inter, and revealing he will be the next coach of Real Madrid.

Mourinho has cited a number of reasons for his decision to leave the Serie A leaders. They include his troubled relationship with the Italian media, his recent falling out with Mario Balotelli, the discovery that his home telephone had been bugged by club president Massimo Moratti, as well as an “offer he couldn’t refuse” from Real Madrid.

“I have resigned as coach of Inter with immediate effect. I leave now. I told my players last night after the game [against CSKA Moscow in the Champions League]. I then told Massimo Moratti while he was entertaining some oiligarchs in the hospitality suite,” Mourinho told
“The truth is that I have had enough of Italy. I am [the] best coach in [the] world, a phenomenon, but I have been treated with absolutely zero respect from day one.

“Instead the media shows respect to losers. Ranieri has won just a little tin cup in 80 years and they speak of him as a God. They talk of him being Italy coach after Lippi! Leonardo has won zeru tituli, Macaroni couldn’t even beat Fulham!

The so called Special One had quit Inter. Though I dont really like him but he is one of the kind. Made the world of football colourful. But he is proven master of tactitician. Not so sure he will be successful in Madrid the club where I could not remember there was a manager that can be called as successful.
So good luck Jose.

Rooney Injury Not Serious But.....

Manchester United Confirm Wayne Rooney Has Damaged Ankle Ligaments

No fracture and only minor damage it seems...
Manchester United have confirmed that striker Wayne Rooney has not broken his ankle and instead has sustained ligament damage, after he was forced to limp out of the dying moments of the Champions League tie with Bayern Munich on Wednesday evening.

There is as yet no indication of how long he is likely to be out for though.

"We’re pleased to report that Wayne has not suffered a fracture," a United spokesman confirmed.

"The scan revealed only minor ligament damage."

United have given no indication as to how long that they expect the star to be sidelined at this stage.

Manager Sir Alex Ferguson is expected to give further details when he speaks to reporters at his Friday press conference.
Click Source

So not concluded yet how long Rooney would be sidelined. As match against Chelski is looming and Rooney fitness would be crucial. Though United had show that without Rooney they managed to beat Bolton 4-0, match against Chelski would prove different. This match could be the title decider. United need its best team to face Chelski that already score 12 goals in two league matches. Drogba might be at the bench but Chelski marauding forwards need to be balanced up with fiercesome attacking power of United.

Another report said that Rooney would be out of football for four to six weeks and is likely to mean he will play only two more league games for Manchester United this season. Although he will be ready for the World Cup, this is not good news to United. Along this season United had depends so heavily in this stocky 24 years old striker. The timing of his injury also is not kind to United as they are preparing for the match of the season against Chelski. Then Ferguson must also had to think about the must win game against Bayern Munchen. So draw should be enough for the devils.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

My Blog

My wife once said " I like what you write in your blog but why it must always about football and MU."

Hmm why always football and MU. I think because I like football and MU very much. Actually when I started this blog, not only football and MU in mind. I wanted to write almost everything especially about my life and experience. Also to share my feelings and thoughts. Or anything that crossed my mind. But somehow only football and MU that came out from my head.

Maybe I dont like to share certain things yet. There was a time that I wanted to write about something but my heart said no. So no it was. Although it was not my concern if this blog viewed by many people or just few people, still not ready to share that certain things.

So my dear I'll write about something esle but football and MU are here to stay.

UCL Bayern Munchen 2- 1 United

United lost 1-2 to the Bavarian at Allianz Arena. United score early goal from Rooney after 64 second. Ribery brought the score level from a freekick that deflected from Rooney's leg. Ivica Olic then gave the German second goal after robbed the ball from Evra in stoppage time.

27 March 10 - Bolton 0-4 United

United moved closer to the trophy.  Cheslki hit 7-1 against West Ham while Arsenal dropped two points after drew 1-1 with Birmingham City.

After Day 32

United  72 points
Chelski 71 points
Arsenal 68 points